Happy Thieves
Thieves has been a lifesaver in this household! Let me tell you! Germies going around at school? No fear. Need to clean your house with something non-toxic? You got it. Want to kick up your toothpaste game? Oh yes, that too!
We use Thieves in so many different ways. My first experience with Thieves was a drop on my toothpaste. It is like Big Red gum on steroids. WHOA, like really Whoa! But the clean feeling after was even more amazing. I now use the Thieves Aromabrite toothpaste everyday. We made a kitchen counter spray that has really been awesome. (I even used it on the rubber inside my front loader washing machine.)
My second favorite thing to do with this little powerhouse, diffuse it, with orange. Don’t worry, you’re going to thank me later.
With Fall here I have actually been adding a drop or two to my homemade pumpkin spice lattes or pumpkin Pure Protein smoothies.
And of course there are tons of other uses for this little gem.
Uses: Replaces harsh chemicals and cleaners, immune system protection, eliminates unpleasant odors, promotes circulation, lymphatic function, cleans teeth and gums, promotes longevity, pore cleansing, household cleaner, mouthwash, dissolve gummy residue from stickers, and neutralizes mustiness.
This blend is named Thieves after the bandits that were robbing victims of the plague. Pretty powerful stuff! The blend is clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiate, rosemary
Dilute 1:4 parts carrier oil. Diffuse 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. Apply neat to bottoms of feet. Dilute 1:15 with carrier oil for a massage over the thymus or complete body massage. Put 4-8 drops on cotton ball and place in vent.
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